August (O’Neill) Deuser was born and raised on the south side of Chicago. August’s grandfather, Hugh O’Neill, and father, August Deuser, were Chicago Police officers. Mr. Deuser was a police officer for three years before going back to school and becoming a teacher.

Mr. Deuser taught students with emotional conditions as well as learning difficulties. He taught at Pace High School in Blue Island in the early 1990s. Mr. Deuser taught many students from Markham, Dolton, Posen, Harvey, Dixmoor, and Riverdale. By treating his students with respect, they, in turn, showed him respect. Retiring from Joliet District 86, he worked with the best principal in the field of education: Mike Latting.
Mr. Deuser and his family lost his father in August 1990 from a massive heart attack. In October, they lost his sister at 32 from a grand mal seizure. Their eldest son was in Children’s Memorial in 1991 with a blood disorder. In 1993, the family lost their brother-in-law at 32 to a brain aneurism. Mr. Deuser lost a cousin to breast cancer and a best friend to cancer. In 2006, Mr. Deuser and his family lost his mother to cancer. We realize other families have been through more difficulties. We understand how difficult life can be at times.
Mr. Deuser organized and played softball with his childhood friends under the F.I.S.T. team name. In Marquette Park Sixteen Inch Softball, F.I.S.T. took first place in the Monday-Wednesday league in 1980, 1983 and 1984, while placing first in the Tuesday-Thursday league in 1983 and second in the same league in 1982. F.I.S.T. also played in Country Club Hills Twelve Inch Softball, where they finished first in the Saturday league in 1986, 1988, and 1989, finished second in 1984 and 1985 and third in 1987. The team also played in Rainey Park Sixteen Inch Softball, where they took first in the Tuesday-Thursday league in 1989-1990.
We need to clean up government spending, put term limits for all political offices in place, focus on our children’s education, get Social Security back on track for the people that pay into it, develop a health care system that is affordable to all people, and better support our veterans.
Vote for Republican August (O’Neill) Deuser in the 37th State Representative election in 2026.